Virtual Workshops for Marketing Teams
Marketing in Turbulent Times
Only 9% of companies perform well during global crisis events. This virtual workshop will help your team to effectively plan for and respond to a global crisis event like Coronavirus, natural disasters, recessions, terrorism a terror incident, extreme weather events etc.
The workshop can be customized for your team and covers:
How to make your brand resilient in turbulent times
The dynamics of a global crisis (focusing on Coronavirus)
Consumer insights
Marketing and sales channels
Brand and competitor response
Best practices in brand response (focusing on Coronavirus)
How to be ready for the next event
Duration: 90 mins - 2.5 hours depending on content
Suitable for Zoom, Webex, Adobe and other meeting platforms
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Brand Activations that Drive Results

Marketers are increasingly looking for ways to more effectively engage with our consumers beyond traditional channels to build profitable, long term brand loyalty.
During this virtual workshop, we will focus on some of the most essential and effective methods of bringing your brand to life and delighting your consumers. These include Promotions, Experiences, Content, Sponsorships and Cause Marketing. You’ll learn the core principles of each discipline and best practices for implementing an activation plan in your business.
Duration: 2- 2.5 hours
Suitable for Zoom, Webex, Adobe and other meeting platforms
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